Thursday, 16 May 2013

It is all right

An immovable foundation

If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?Psalm 11:3

There is something which the righteous man can do, if the foundations are removed, and that is, he can trust in God that it will be well in the end. The worldling says, ‘It will be all the same a hundred years hence.’ The Christian says, ‘I do not want to look so far ahead as that; it is all right now.’ But the wind blows! ‘It is all right.’ But the waves dash! ‘It is all right.’ But all the sails are reefed! ‘It is all right!’ But the ship flies before the wind! ‘

It is all right.’ But there are rocks ahead! ‘It is all right.’ Why? ‘Because he who is at the helm knows all about it; he created both wind and wave, and he knows how to cope with the storm. I cannot see that it is right, but I know that it is, and I walk by faith, and not by sight.’ Christian, this is what you can do. If the foundations be removed, you can bring faith into heavenly exercise, and you can sail against the wind. The night may be dark and dreary but it will usher in the brighter morn, and merrily will the celestial music and songs greet his ears as the fresh dawning light triumphs over the fleeing darkness, and spreads itself till it bathes with its splendour all things which even in the darkness were working together for the good of God’s people. Yes, the rough March winds and the dreary April showers were all fulfilling their task then, and now we can see it and rejoice in it as well as in their result. We will sing in our dungeon with Paul and Silas, for all is well now as it will be hereafter in heaven. It is only in degree and realisation that earth’s joys differ from heaven’s to the true believer in Christ. - 
C.H. Spurgeon


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