Thursday, 9 May 2013

An Atheist’s Gratitude on his Birthday*

Do not judge, or you too will be judged - Matthew 7:1

First of all allow me to thank coincidence for giving the human race and more specifically I, the chance to exist as well as the chance to meet everyone I ever met in my short lifespan. My sincere apologies to Dinosaurs, Sabertooth tigers and unfortunately but soon, Pandas and White tigers.

Thank you atheistic philosophers and scientists for struggling day and night to clarify that I’m nothing more than a rational animal, creating all these illusions about supreme beings and mighty powerful gods just to satisfy all my fears. I wish I wasn't that rational.

Thank you Dan Brown, Richard Dawkins and Stephen Hawking, in respective importance, for carrying the atheistic torch and nailing the absolute truth in only a couple of years whereas Christian Theology spent around 2000 years and is still trying to explain manmade concepts of the simplest forms and yet replies by the famous St Augustine story that depicts the absurdity of comprehending the immensity of God in one’s small intelligence. These guys understood it and apparently it’s very simple and uncomplicated to the extent that even an irrational rational animal would grasp easily.
Nota Bene: As complex as they might seem, religions are all manmade and whatever you feel, however you change, as fearless as you might become, on the short or on the long term, reinforcing or redefining love, family and life can simply be done in a couple of hours by reading a novel or watching a Holly/Bollywood movie, not to forget the crucial and undisputed role of one’s own opinion and brain power. Oh and saints just have better genetics. 

Thank you atheistic motivators for giving a meaning to our day-to-day life. Thank you for the beautiful “You can do it” posters,” Fortune cookie” quotations, and the “Be the best” success oriented workshops that boost up our historical ego and methodologically help us fix and aim at the ultimate goal of becoming better than our fellow rational animals. 

Thank you world for proving to me that Freedom is Liberalism and that the church is responsible for all the poverty, famine and unhappiness out there, thank you for  strengthening this theory by clearly projecting how the weakening of the church, in several regions worldwide, drastically reduced poverty, famine, sexually transmitted diseases, divorce rates … it even reduced mortality rates. The only thing it did not reduce is the global happiness in this world, the world has never been as happy as it is today, suicide rates are nearly zero, “bloodshed” and “war” are no longer found in the Merriam-Webster dictionary. Now that MJ is dead, “Heal the world” is history…Coincidence again, I Love it!

Thanks to my parents, a male and female rational animal, who were loyal to each other and by that, reconfirmed the difference between animals and rational animals and who, by their union, procreated 2 male rational animals, my brother and I. All this setting, by coincidence, resulted in a proper and loving environment that raised me on the concept of goodness, a brainwashing  and biasing environment that   affected my total freedom to choose if good is good and bad is bad. Nothing but the truth will set me free.

Thank you Jesus, the virtuous man who, according to my parents’ beliefs, is the son of God.  A man who, historically, did walk this earth. A man who was crucified although all his teaching were peaceful and loving. The man who put the benchmark of “love thy neighbor as thyself”, the brainwasher of the last 2000 years, the definer of love, the superstar of the Bible.  How is he not a myth? A fairy tale, an old old story that, by coincidence, changed the 2 millenniums that succeeded it? Greeks believed in gods for ages, Egyptians too.

Thank you Bible for “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” Thank you for “The truth will set you free”.

Thank you Delusion for being defined as:  An idiosyncratic belief or impression that is firmly maintained despite being contradicted by what is generally accepted as reality. Thanks again to my parents for the “firmly” part, to the world for the “generally accepted” part and to all the atheists for the “delusion” part.

Thank you Jesus, the son of God, for being the alpha and omega, the causal connection that redefines coincidence. Thank you for enlightening us that we are more than just rational animals; we are sons of God, created in His image.

Thank you God, the Father, for revealing your Son, for his death, resurrection and exaltation to the place of highest honor in heaven, at your right hand so that everyone who lives and believes in Him shall never die and that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow yet most importantly, thank you for giving us the total freedom to choose between being atheists or not.

Thank you Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son, exploding our innermost beings with rivers of living water whenever our heart, soul, strength, and mind thirst.

Praise the Lord, my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name. Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not all his benefits - Psalm 103


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